The NEW Skills for Life Online Teaching Platform!

We are pleased to announce our brand new Online Teaching Platform for the Skills for Life programmes which will be available to new and current Skills for Life organisations in the UK from September.
The goal of the new platform is to make delivering the Skills for Life programmes as simple as possible. Once you have activated your subscription and logged into your account, you can directly access and deliver your Skills for Life sessions via the easy to navigate modules – without needing to prepare by downloading materials in advance. We’ve also added some new exciting features – You can now click through the programme stories or access the videos directly from the platform. The platform also features NEW Zippy’s Friends and Apple’s Friends materials.
What do you get with the Skills for Life Platform subscription?
- Online access to all resources you’ll need to deliver Zippy’s Friends, Apple’s Friends, Passport, Zippy's Friends for SEND or SPARK Resilience
- Easy to navigate folders for each programme module
- Online lesson plans with links to all activity sheets
- Digital versions of the programme stories and comic strip videos
- Direct links to programme videos and mindfulness activity recordings
- Tools to track your progress through the programme
- Ongoing support with programme delivery – you can contact us directly through the platform
How do you access the Skills for Life Online Teaching Platform?
- Existing Skills for Life schools – please look for further information arriving in your inbox on how to access the platform and a video on how to get the most out of the platform
- New schools – Once you’ve registered for Skills for Life training, you will be sent a link to order your Online Teaching Platform annual subscription
- Or sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear more information about the new platform